I read this phrase one time, “Kind People are my kinda people”, it made me smile.
Aside from being clever it was so sweet.
It got me thinking about kindness, how it’s a simple but profound gesture that can change lives.
It reminded me of when I was in grade school, we just moved to a new school and I would find my little brother at recess to make sure he was ok. He was only 5 years old at the time and I was 10.
One day, some girls from my class started teasing me. They asked “Why are you playing with a baby?” before I could say anything another girl stepped in to say “What’s your problem, leave her alone!”
We became good friends after that. It also made me more aware of other people around me.
It made me mindful of moments in my own life where I can offer the same kindness, to be helpful in my own way, to save someone from being hurt.
Kindness, it goes deep. It means so much. We need more of it.
How about you? Has anyone showed you such kindness? Someone who was brave enough to give more of themselves?
That’s what it is to me, acts of kindness confirm that there is goodness. It shows compassion and selfless love for another human being. If we were all a bit more kind what a difference it would make.
Do you remember the kindness? Comment below. Better yet go out and spread it like wildfire. Share this and shout-out how they’ve touched your life, they deserve to know.

Kind People are my kinda people items on Zazzle
(Dedicated to the kind people in our lives)