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My days off from the day job – was it productive? You tell me.

You see this week I had a couple of days off from my day job.

Days off are awesome because you can plan your day the way you’d like. My trouble was I tried to cram so much in one day.

Here was the plan:
1. I wanted to get up and work on some products and marketing.
2. I wanted to make the kids pancakes and be the best mom!
3. I wanted some self-pampering and get my nails done.
4. Pick up my youngest from pre-school and show him an amazing time.
5. Do groceries.
6. Clean the van.
7. Clean my house so that it’s immaculate.
8. Have a home-cooked, delicious dinner for everyone ready.
9. Write to my email subscribers work on a blog.
10. Go for an evening walk and enjoy some time together.

Hmmmm…I bet you can predict this was all not happening…LOL… Hey, you can’t say I’m not ambitious.

You already know it wasn’t going to happen the way I wanted when my 3 year old followed me at 4:30 in the morning while I tried to get some work done.

Sigh…scenes like these are common as you know. We can plan all we want but things don’t always go our way.
My advice? Be creative, know what’s important, improvise, be flexible, get some rest and ask for help.

I’m happy to share since my youngest had pre-school in the morning, I got 8 out of 10 of the things done from my list. Can you guess which ones?

Well, that included promoting these Save the Date magnets on Social Media and get people excited about a unique idea. What do you think? It’s part of a new wedding suite.

With some of the business stuff out of the way, the rest of the day involved picking up my youngest son and do the grocery shopping after we had lunch at McDonald’s. Then I put away the groceries and cleaned the van while he napped.

Unfortunately, by the time the other kids got home… I was done…so tired I needed a nap myself.

So I called my husband to ask him to make dinner when he got home and to excuse the mess he’s about to come home to. I needed to rest and I forgot that my daughter Camryn had an appointment I’m supposed to take her to once Vince got home.

Yes, I have an amazing husband (don’t worry I haven’t forgotten… Father’s day is coming up… I know :)).

I was disappointed in myself for not getting everything done. In hindsight, I probably should have napped with my son instead of cleaning the van. So we live and learn.

After dinner I got my energy back, we went for that evening walk and the girls and I had a pampering session to paint our toenails. (my nails might not be salon perfect but the time spent together was an upgrade in my books).

All in all, it was pretty productive wouldn’t you say?! Not exactly perfect but we’re not going for perfection, we’re going for progress. (that’s from Marie Forleo if you didn’t know) 🙂

So, my friend, does this happen to you too?
Do you try to take on too much and feel disappointed when you don’t get everything done? Know you’re not alone, and you need to celebrate the things you have accomplished.

Since I said I had more than 1 day off, I plan to do the rest of the things and more — this time taking my own advice.

“People Overestimate What They Can Do in a Day, and Underestimate What They Can Do in a Lifetime” 
– Anonymous (Often attributed to Bill Gates)

See… we got this!

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Posted in Behind the scenes, design, Entrepreneur life, family, Realizations, Tips and tagged , , , , , .

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