50th wedding anniversary couple

Planning a 50th Wedding Anniversary: A Journey of Love and Learning

Planning my parents’ 50th golden wedding anniversary was a special honor. While I wasn’t there to help plan their wedding fifty years ago, being part of this milestone celebration was incredibly meaningful. It was heartwarming to have so many friends and family offer their help. Several talented guests, including those with expertise in hair and makeup, photography, music, and baking, generously contributed to the festivities. Here’s how we made the day memorable and what we learned along the way. Choosing the Perfect Venue Our first priority was selecting the right venue. Since we were planning for a guest list of […]

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Redefine success graphic by LD design Loft woods and mountain peaks

Redefine Success

A big part of my life is the Christian community in which my husband and I volunteer. We met in this community and have seen firsthand the positive impact a supportive environment can have on raising a family. We’ve had the honor of mentoring young adults and facilitating conversations to help them navigate life’s challenges One significant topic we’ve addressed, especially during the lockdown, is “Redefine Success.” When everyone was isolated, we found ways to connect on Zoom, using the time to check on each other, reflect, and discuss meaningful topics. Why am I sharing this with you? Because I […]

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Progress not perfection quote with flowers

A message from a recovering perfectionist.

Did the title grab your attention? If so, chances are you’re a bit of a perfectionist like me. I wanted to dive into this topic because I’ve been getting questions about my journey as an online entrepreneur and a big part of that journey has been overcoming perfectionism. So, here’s the deal: I call myself a “recovering perfectionist” because, since starting my entrepreneurial journey, perfectionism turned into a hurdle. It’s kind of amusing – I used to flaunt my perfectionist trait like a badge of honor. Having the highest standards sounded great. But, I realized it was holding me back. […]

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Artist putting up watercolor art

How I became a full-time creative entrepreneur.

This is my first week as a full-time creative entrepreneur. I was inspired to write this post while all the feelings were fresh. I’m humbled by the early lessons and eager to share some points that might resonate with those who, like me, are venturing into the world of creative dreams. Perhaps you’re wondering why I decided to step away from a stable day job, one that was working well. It’s true, I had a great time in my corporate role, and I’m deeply grateful for the support it provided. Yet, a yearning for more, both for my family and […]

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watercolor leaves with quote "There's joy in the journey" lddesignloft

AHA, moments in my entrepreneurial journey

Walking a creative entrepreneurial journey takes guts, gumption, and heart. It’s been a few years since LD Design Loft came to be. No fancy ribbon cutting but I surely cut my attachments to fear & resistance. As Steven Pressfield would say: “The more important a call to action is to our soul’s evolution, the more Resistance we will feel about answering it.” I’m grateful I found the courage, I’m thankful for the transformation I’ve gone through. The permission I’ve given myself to explore and create, to find the courage to fail forward. Not everything has worked, but I learned a […]

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Rustic wood grain tree slice wedding invitation by Lorena Depante at LD Design loft

Affordable Wedding Invitation Options in one place.

I discovered that one of my best-selling wedding invitations was featured on the Woman Getting Married blog.  The helpful article shares affordable options for your wedding invitation and Zazzle, where I license my designs, is part of their top choices. It’s true, a site like Zazzle allows you to use creations from professional designers and artists, like myself. I enjoy creating and sharing our work. Since that article was posted, Zazzle has enhanced its options and capabilities. I’ve always been impressed by what Zazzle has to offer, I wish I knew about it when I was getting married a few years […]

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bouquet of pink roses

What Moms Really Need.

Even with all the years that have gone by, I still pinch myself to know that I’m a mom. The greatest honor of my life. No one said this great honor was glamorous though. 🙂That’s me in the middle of my laundry, between my then 3-year-old and 11-month-old. I love looking at this photo because I don’t immediately look at the laundry, I zoom right into my babies and their faces. That day I showed my daughter how to pair socks, I gave up on doing all the things and focused on what was essential. The laundry can be done, […]

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Like a boss office space

10 tips for Entrepreneurs…and moms

As a wife & mother of four who started a small business a few years ago, I get this question a lot “What are some of the best tips you can give as an entrepreneur and mom?” The question comes in many forms and I understand why they add the mom part. There are additional challenges and mindset blocks that come up when you’re a mother. #Momguilt is real. Here’s a list of Top 10 that has helped me so far. I also want to point out that we all go through different seasons of life and motherhood. We can’t […]

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succulent plants with iphone case with watercolor leaves

3 Essential Tools for the beginner watercolor artist – (Bonus: How I digitize art and shoot process videos)

I’ve been getting some positive feedback whenever I would paint with my watercolors or illustrate on my social media channels. It’s so fun to know that you enjoy the process as much as I do. Some people have been asking what I use. I thought it would be easier to compile what I’ve found helpful in a post. This video should give you a summary of the process. The #plantmom phone case from the video is a product that I created for our online shop. It can be purchase here or by clicking on the image. The right tools can […]

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